!--Base SI units are employed throughout the program !--Different units may be used in the input and output ! !--Variables in data file DS2VD.DAT ! !--uncommented data items are those in versions 3.1 and 3.2 ! !--NVER the n in version n.m that generated the data file !--MVER the m in version n.m that generated the data file ! !--m must change whenever the data file is altered ! !--MMEG the approximate number of megabytes that are available to the calculation ! !--IFX 0,1 for two-dimensional, axially-symmetric flow !--IWF 0,1 no, yes for radial weighting factors (IFX=1 only) !--XMIN the minimum x coordinate of the bounding rectangle !--XMAX the maximum x coordinate of the bounding rectangle !--YMIN the minimum y coordinate of the bounding rectangle !--YMAX the maximum y coordinate of the bounding rectangle !--FRACF the approximate fraction of the rectangle that is occupied by flow !--the following item was introduced in version 3.4 !--AVDEN an estimate of the ratio of the average density to the reference density ! !--MSP number of molecular species !--MMVM maximum number of vibrational modes of any species !--MNRE the number of gas phase reactions !--MTBP (required only if MNRE>0) the number of third-body probability ! tables for recombinations !--MNSR the number of surface reactions !--in a loop (N) over MSP !----SP(1,N) the reference diameter !----SP(2,N) the reference temperature !----SP(3,N) the viscosity temperature power law !----SP(4,N) reciprocal of the VSS scattering parameter (Unity for the VHS model) !----SP(5,N) the molecular mass !----SPTEXT(N) character description (NVER > 3 only) !----ISPR(3,N) the electric charge (NVER > 3 and MVER > 1 only) !----ISPR(1,N) the number of rotational degrees of freedom !----if ISPR(1,N) > 0 !------ISPR(2,N) 0,1 for constant or polynomial rotational relaxation number !------SPR(1,N) the constant rotational relaxation collision number, or the ! constant in the second order polynomial in temperature !------if ISPR(2,N) > 0 !--------SPR(2,N) the coefficient of temperature in the polynomial !--------SPR(3,N) the coefficient of the square of temperature in the polynomial !------end if !------if MMVM > 0 !--------ISPV(N) the number of vibrational modes !--------in a loop (K) over ISPV(N) (if ISPV(N) > 0) !----------SPV(K,N) the characteristic vibrational temperature !----------SPVM(1,K,N) constant Zv, or reference Zv for mode K !----------SPVM(2,K,N) -1. for constant Zv, or reference temperature !---the following three items are for (NVER > 3 and MVER > 4 only) (above were C1 and C2 before this) !----------SPVM(3,K,N) the characteristic dissociation temperature !----------ISPVM(1,K,N) the code of the first post-dissociation molecule !----------ISPVM(2,K,N) the code of the second post-dissociation molecule ! !--------end of loop !------end if !----end if !--end of loop ! !--if MNRE > 0 !----in a loop (K) over MNRE !------RETEXT(K) character description (NVER > 3 and MVER > 1 only) !------IRET(K) type of reaction (NVER > 3 and MVER > 4 only) ! 0 not yet classified, 1 dissociation, 2 recombination, 3 forward exchange, 5 reverse exchange !------LE(K) the species code of the first molecule !------ME(K) the species code of the second molecule, or -1 if the collision is with the linked electron, !------but set species code to -1 if an electron is an independent collision partner !------for three post-collision particles !--------KP(K) the first post-reaction species code !--------LP(K) the second post-reaction species code !--------MP(K) the third post-reaction species code !------for one post-collision particle !--------KP(K)=-1 !--------LP(K) the species code of the molecule !--------MP(K) if positive the code of the third body in a recombination ! or, if negative, the code of the third-body table ! or zero for an ion and linked electron !------for two post-collision particles !--------KP(K)=0 !--------LP(K) the first post-reaction species code !--------MP(K) the second post-reaction species code !------CI(K) the number of internal degrees of freedom that contribute !------AE(K) the activation energy for the reaction !------AC(K) 1.E10 times the pre-exponential parameter !------BC(K) the temperature exponent in the rate equation !------ER(K) the energy of the reaction !----end of loop !----in a loop (J) over MTBP !------in a loop (L) over MSP !--------THBP(J,L) the relative efficiency in recombinations !------end of loop !----end of loop !--end if ! !--if MNSR > 0 !----in a loop (K) over MNSR !------SRETEXT(K) character description (NVER > 3 and MVER > 1 only) !------LIS(1,K) the species code of the first incident molecule !------LIS(2,K) the species code of the second incident molecule (0 if none) !------LRS(1,K) the species code of the first reflected molecule !------LRS(2,K) the species code of the second reflected molecule (0 if none) !------LRS(3,K) the species code of the third reflected molecule (0 if none) !------LRS(4,K) the species code of the fourth reflected molecule (0 if none) !------LRS(5,K) the species code of the fifth reflected molecule (0 if none) !------LRS(6,K) the species code of the sixth reflected molecule (0 if none) !------ERS(K) the energy of the reaction (+ve for recombination, -ve for dissociation) !----end of loop !--end if ! !--FND the number density of the stream or reference gas !--FTMP temperature of stream or reference gas !--IF (MMVM > 0) !----VTREF vibrational temperature in stream or reference gas !--END IF !--VFX the velocity component in the x direction !--if IFX=0 !----VFY the velocity component in the y direction !----VFZ the velocity component in the z direction !--end if !--in a loop over the number of species !----FSP(N) the fraction of species N in the stream or reference gas !--end of loop ! !--NSURF the number of unconnected surfaces ! (the initial and final points must be coincident for a closed surface ! or must lie on a flow boundary in the case of an open surface) ! (The outside boundary of the flow is defined by combinations of ! stream boundaries, open surfaces, planes of symmetry etc. and ! the geometry must be such that there is only one such boundary.) ! !--in a loop (N) over NSURF !----NPOINT(N) the number of points on the surface (number of intervals + 1) !--end loop !--MPOINT the maximum number on any surface !--MSGROUP the maximum number of surface groups !--MSSLG the maximum number of solid surface intervals !--MESLG the maximum number of molecule entry intervals ! !--in a loop (N) over NSURF (implicit arrays are in order of surface,group,species (as many as needed)) !----LSEG the number of (straight or arc) segments on line N !----in a loop (M) over LSEG !------KSEG 1 for a straight line segment ! 2 for an arc of a circle in a clockwise direction ! -2 for an arc of a circle in an anti-clockwise direction !------XCEN, YCEN the coordinates of the center (arc only) (MUST HAVE ONLY ONE DATA ITEM PER LINE) !------XI,YI the coordinates of the initial point (M=1 only) !------XF,YF the coordinates of the final point ! (the point ordering is such that the flow is to the right of the segment ! joining XI,YI to XF,YF, both sides of a thin surface must be defined) !------NPSEG the number of sampling intervals along this segment !----end of loop over LSEG !----NGROUP the number of groups of data on this surface !----loop over the NGROUP groups of surface intervals !------LINTG the number of intervals within the group !------ITYPS 1 if the group is a solid surface with species independent properties ! 2 if it is a solid surface with species dependent properties ! (an outgassing surface must be type 2) ! 3 if it is a gas entry boundary with specified properties ! 4 if it is a stream entry interval !------if ITYPS = 1 or 2 (solid surface boundary) !--------TSURF if +ve, fixed surface temperature for diffuse or CLL reflection ! if -ve,diffuse or CLL adiabatic insulated with the absolute value as the minimum temperature ! if 0.0 generates the temperature of a perfectly (thermal) conducting surface that extends for the interval ! if diffuse adiabatic (-ve or 0.0 TSURF) !----------EMISS the surface emissivity ! end if !--------VSURFI in-plane velocity of surface !--------VSURFN normal-to-plane velocity of two-dimensional surface, or ! angular velocity of surface in an axially symmetric flow !--------in a loop (K) over 1 for ITYPS=1 or the number of species MSP for ITYPS=2 !----------IRFM(K) 0,1 for diffuse, CLL model !----------if IRFM(K) = 1 !------------EACN(K) the normal energy accommodation coefficient !------------TMAC(K) the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient !----------end if !----------ROTAC(K) rotational accommodation coefficient !----------if MMVM > 0 !------------VIBAC(K) vibrational accommodation coefficient !----------end if !----------FRSPEC(K) fraction specular !----------FRSORB(K) fraction adsorbed !----------if ITYPS = 2 OUTGMF(K) the outgas mass flux !--------end of loop over 1 or MSP !--------if MNSR > 0 !----------in a loop (K) over the number of surface reactions MNSR !------------PROBSR(K) the probability of the surface reaction !----------end of loop over MNSR !--------end if !------end if !------if ITYPS = 3 (specified gas entry boundary) !--------XVEL the velocity component in the x or axial direction !--------YVEL the velocity component in the y direction !--------ZVEL the velocity component in the z direction !--------EFTMP the flow temperature !--------EFDEN the number density of the flow !--------in a loop over the number of species L=1,MSP !----------EFSP(L) the fraction of species L !--------end of loop over species ! the following three items appear only if NVER = 3 and MVER > 5, or NVER > 3 !--------STSTART the time at which the flow starts !--------STSTOP the time at which the flow stops !--------NSTO 0 if the interval group is effectively a vacuum when the stream is off ! 1 if the interval group is effectively a plane of symmetry when the stream is off ! end if !----end loop over the groups of intervals !--end loop over surfaces ! !--in a loop (N), 1 for XMIN, 2 for XMAX, 3 for YMIN, and 4 for YMAX !----ITB(1) 1 for an axis (axially symmetric flows only) ! 2 for a plane of symmetry ! 3 for an interface with the uniform freestream ! 4 for a vacuum ! 5 for periodic boundaries (N=1 or 2 only, and must apply to both) ! 6 for constant pressure boundaries (N=1 or 2 only, and must apply to both) ! and has mass flux fixed by the flux across x=CSSB ! 7 for a plane, cylindrical or spherical specular boundary that moves into the flow at a constant speed ! (N=1 only, and the surface starts moving from x=XMIN) ! 8 if the boundary is not in the flow !--end loop ! !--if ITB(1)=7 !----ITB(3) and ITB(4) must be planes of symmetry (or axis) if the absolute value of the center > 1.E8 (plane piston) ! For finite piston center, axis plane of symmetry and/or specularly reflecting surfaces must pass through the center. ! spherical (axi sym) with center at the point at which the sides intersect !----VWALL the speed of the moving wall (must be +ve) !--the following two items appear only if NVER=4 and MVER>2, or MVER>4 !----TSWALL the time at which piston motion stops !----CWALL the x coordinate of the center of the piston which must be at y=0 !--end if ! !--IFILL 1 if the initial flow is the stream (the secondary stream is employed ! above or beyond CSSB if ISSB == 1), or ! 2 if the flowfield is initially a vacuum ! !--the following item appears only if NVER = 3 and MVER > 6, or NVER > 3 !----IFILENT 0 if there are no file entry molecules, or 1 if there are !--the following two items only if NVER>3 and IFILENT=1 !--NMIF number of molecules in each record !--NOIF number of records in file ! !--ISSB 0 if an initial flow state separation boundary is not set, or ! 1 if the initial state consists of the stream and secondary stream ! separated at a line of constant x ! -1 if the separation is at a line of constant y !--if ISSB=1 or -1 !----CSSB the coordinate of the flow separation boundary !----FNDA number density of secondary stream or reference gas !----FTMPA temperature of secondary stream or reference gas !----VFXA the velocity component in the x direction of the secondary stream !----VFYA the velocity component in the y direction !----in a loop over the number of species !------FSPA(N) the fraction of species N in the stream or reference gas !----end of loop !--end if ! !--ISF 0,1 for unsteady, steady flow sampling ! !--ISO 0,1 for standard,custom options (custom options for experienced users only) !--if ISO = 1 then !----if (IFX=1 and IWF=1) RWF the reference value of the weighting factor ! the weighting factor is 1+RWF*(Y/YMAX) (standard is 10000.) !----FDIVS factor to change the standard number of divisions in the x & y directions !----NELX the number of elements in each division in the x & y directionS (standard is 10) !----FINM factor to change the initial number of molecules ! (default sets molecules to 0.4 the maximum number based on nominated memory) !----MIMCT number of moves in a mean collision time (standard is 5) !----MIMTT number of moves in mean transit time (standard is 2) !----FTIMS factor to change the standard sampling interval !----FTIMO factor to change the standard output interval !----FTOS (ISF =0 only) the fraction of the sampling interval over which a time sample is taken (default is 0.5) !----FDDB (IFX=1) the factor to change the size of the duplication delay buffer !----JCI 0 if reactions are based on rate equations ! 1 if reactions are based on collision events !----JRR 0 to retain default relaxation rates based on the overall gas temperature (REMOVED 3.8 and above) ! 1 to base the relaxation rates on the "collision temperature" !----JNN is in data only if NVER = 3 and MVER > 2, or NVER >3 !------JNN 0 to employ nearest-neighbor collisions in all cases(also see ITSC) ! 1 to not employ nearest neigbor collisions when there are radial weigh factors ! !--end if